Wednesday Bible Study

We invite men and women, of all ages at GBC to be equipped to read and listen to God’s Word in an intergenerational context.

Aim of WBS

Wednesday Bible Study (WBS) invites men and women, of all ages at Grace Baptist Church (GBC) to be equipped to read and listen to God’s Word in an intergenerational context, so that we may speak the truth in love to one another and may grow in the body, under the headship of Christ (Eph 4:15). Through WBS, we pray that our members can be encouraged and equipped to read the Bible with fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ, and even non-believers who are seeking to understand more about our faith.

In 2023, we read the books of Colossians, Zephaniah and Mark. We were encouraged to
trust in the supremacy of the risen Son of God and proclaim His Kingship as we look forward to His return. We have consolidated the Colossians and Zephaniah studies in the following documents, and we pray that they may be helpful for our members’ use:

  • Colossians (To be released) 

  • Zephaniah (To be released) 

Current Study

In 2024, we will be reading 1 Samuel. We pray that we will trust in God’s sovereignty to
oppose the proud and exalt and the humble, as we look to the better King and promised Messiah in the person of Jesus Christ.

You can also access the full WBS schedule here:

What studies are like

WBS meets every Wednesday evening on the third storey of GBC in Room 310. A typical WBS session begins at 7.30pm with a short recap of what we had studied in the previous session, or a sharing on how we can employ certain tools to dig deeper into God’s Word, and how we can read the Bible one-to-one with others. Thereafter, we split into smaller groups to study the week’s passage.

On some Wednesdays and at suitable sections of the book we are studying, we will conduct a review of what we have studied. These sessions help us to consolidate and reflect on what we’ve learnt about our Lord through His Word, in order to live out His Word in our lives. During a few of our scheduled breaks, we will have socials to fellowship with one another over food and games.

Contact us

WBS welcomes all members of GBC to join us.

If you are not a member of GBC, we strongly encourage you to attend a Bible study at your local church.If you are not a member of GBC, we strongly encourage you to attend a Bible study at your local church. The Bible tells us that we are each needed by and are to commit to a local body of Christ (Rom 12:4-5; 1 Cor 12:21-26). One expression of belonging is studying God's Word together (Acts 2:42).

Read more here if you would like to find out more about becoming a member of GBC.

If you are keen to join WBS, please feel free to contact Matthew Choo ( or Cheryl Chew (

We look forward to meeting you!