Leading a Care Group in a Pandemic

Seah Kah Yin and Gerald Chua share the challenges (and unexpected blessings) they faced as they lead their Care Groups during these pandemic years.

In GBC, we have close to 30 Care Groups (CGs), small groups which meet regularly to read God's Word together. As our CGs gather, they aim to live out the gospel by caring for and growing one another into Christlike maturity, and ultimately, bring God glory. The CGs gather all across this island with some meeting on Fridays and others during the weekends. (Check out the map below to see where our CGs gather and you can click the "Open Panel" icon on the top left of the banner to view the gatherings by Friday, Saturday or Sunday.)


Impact of COVID on our CGs

COVID has changed our lives these past 20 months, and it has also affected our CGs. It has been particularly challenging for CGs to meet and it has been even tougher for the CG leaders to connect and lead their groups in a distanced environment. The constant changes to the regulations on social gatherings has meant that the groups have had to adapt quickly too. Here, we have asked two CG leaders, Seah Kah Yin and Gerald Chua, on how they have tried to overcome these challenges.

Seah Kah Yin

I am a creature of habit. I start the day with morning devotion, go to church on Sunday morning and have CG meeting on two Fridays every month. These routines remain the same, except that the Sunday Services and CG meetings have gone online rather than physical. The listening to sermons and the study of God’s Word are basically unchanged. As I am having an empty nest with a quiet home and little distraction, I can concentrate and reflect better on the message. Hassles and time for travelling are also eliminated.

I am thankful for Zoom for CLOBs, CG meetings and prayer meetings. These online meetings have helped us to keep in touch and the breakout room feature allows us to still meet people randomly. 


However, I miss the vibrancy of lifting our voices in songs together and having fellowship with visitors, brothers and sisters over a cup of coffee. My group planned for a CG retreat before COVID hit and sadly, we were unable to follow through with it. 

I am not sure whether we are in Egypt, the wilderness, the promised land or Babylon. I trust that God is faithful and He is in control. Instead of lamenting over what I missed, I would rather give thanks for God’s generous provisions. For example, if COVID has happened much earlier when our internet and smart gadgets are not so common, it would be difficult for us to have online services and meetings. I am thankful for God’s provision and control. 

Gerald Chua (with input from Chua Jo Keow, Stanley Yin, Neo Yi Ling and Sarah Tang)

The loss of face-to-face contact produced some painful challenges in the form of missed communication cues in our CG. However, we continued to press on in meeting up, virtually and in-person wherever possible, to encourage one another and even to clarify miscommunication.

On the other hand, there have also been unexpected advantages in meeting on Zoom for our CG. Meeting online has allowed those who otherwise would have been rushing from working late to save travel time and be able to attend CG more easily. Even those undergoing quarantine or have to stay home to care for children are able to join in. Thanks to meeting online via Zoom, Deborah, our missionary in Cambodia, has been joining us every session and does not seem any further away than anyone else in Singapore. Meeting in multiple small groups in hybrid Zoom sessions also allow for more intimate in-person gatherings. 

The alternating shifting between physical and online meetings has made it hard to plan CG activities as plans keep getting disrupted. It has been a test of faith to stay together in these times and we are thankful for CG members who keep showing up and making effort to connect everyone.

Pray for our CG leaders

With the recent easing of measures, CGs can now move back (partially) to meeting in-person (subject to the government's social interactions measures). Let us also continue to pray for our CG leaders as they strive to faithfully teach God's word amidst the everchanging circumstances. Are you in a CG? Perhaps, consider dropping your leader a text message now to thank them for their faithfulness these past two years and encourage them to stand fast in the Lord. This is one practical way we can stir up one another to love and good works.

Are you not yet in a CG? Consider joining one in the new year. We strongly encourage everyone to be a part of a group to learn God's Word with in order to be cared for and discipled, and also to do so for others. If you would like to visit a CG, feel free to write to Elder Caleb at cg@gracebaptistchurch.sg.



A Conversation on CG at GBC


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