Rebecca’s Internship with Bangkok City Baptist Church

At our Members’ Meeting on 10 March 2024, the elders shared that Rebecca Soh, one of our members, will be spending about a month with Bangkok City Baptist Church (BCBC), from end April to end May. We interviewed her to find out more about what she’s planning to do there, as well as why she decided to take this up.

Missions in GBC exists to support GBC's vision to make disciples of all nations. As a church, we want to raise and send more missionaries from among us to the nations and especially when we partner mission-minded churches. We are excited that we have a chance to partner with BCBC in this way.

A heart for missions

Rebecca has recently completed her ‘A’ levels and has a short break before the university term begins. Like many of her peers, this break has allowed her to rest and also explore different opportunities. Apart from taking up part-time employment, Rebecca also chose to carve out about a month for this trip to BCBC. Having seen other mission-minded friends and older ladies from GBC go on similar short-term mission trips, this didn't seem too foreign for Rebecca. Thus, when she had the opportunity and freedom to do so, she gladly took the chance to go on this trip.

Rebecca has been interested in pursuing long-term tent-making for a while, and when she heard of this opportunity, she thought it would be good to spend some time with and observing these missionaries in Bangkok to learn the realities, joys and challenges of long-term cross-cultural missions. 

A chance to learn from missionaries

Rebecca (and her parents, Reuben and Esther) appreciate the structured programme that BCBC has in place, where she will be living with and shadowing one of the missionaries working with the church. She will get a chance to see the work of the church in Bangkok, as well as some of the humanitarian work among refugees and other groups in the society. 

She recognises that she is spending a relatively short amount of time there, but trusts that God can use it for her good and His glory. She prays that her presence will be an encouragement to the people that she meets, and that she will be able to help the church there in whatever ways she can. She also prays that she may see the many ways God is at work in a culture and country that is different from ours.

Rebecca shares that she is excited to be learning from and serving alongside ministry workers from different walks of life, and to also catch a glimpse of what God is doing in the Thai church. She hopes to also be able to begin learning the language during her time at BCBC. Rebecca also hopes that this trip will provide her with a better understanding of the needs and work among some people groups that we don't often see in Singapore (e.g. refugees, slum-dwellers). 

We thank God for the chance to partner with BCBC in this way! Even as we keep Rebecca in prayer, let us also continue to pray that God will raise more from among us to consider bringing the gospel to the nations. This doesn’t always mean that we have to commit to being a full-time missionary. For some, this can mean being intentional while working overseas. If this is something you are interested in, or thinking about, feel free to contact Elder Jonathan from the Missions Committee, or any one of the Elders. They’d love to chat! 

Blessed be his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory! (Psalm 72:19a)


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